Valentines day is an event that celebrated through out the world to celebrate love between the lovers. It is also known as saint valentines day. It naturally celebrated on 45th day of the year, 14th February.
you can easily find out the details about the origin and earlier celebration of valentines day in this link:HOW DID VALENTINES DAY STARTED

Celebration detail in 2019:

valentines day in 2019 is on the Thursday,(14/02/2019), 

valentine's Day facts:

Mainly this day was celebrated by the western countries. But now days this spread through the eastern countries also. In united states of America many parties and club celebrations are used to held in a large number. Many commercial companies take the full chance of this day as peoples use to give various gifts to their lovers.
In this link you will know various gift ideas of valentines day:Best valentines day gifts
But now days eastern countries like china, japan are also celebrate valentines day in their special way. In those countries this day is celebrated in a different manner . There are the girls who used to gift their boyfriend gifts ( mainly chocolates) ,
There are two special chocolates called GIRI-choco and HONMEI-choco.
To know more about valentines day in the eastern countries ... go through this post:valentines day in japan.
And as a return gift of this boys also gift their beloved girl many gifts on a day called White day.

About Valentine history:

One believe is that The first valentine day was incorporated in 496 Ad by pope Gelasius. There are many victim called Valentine but none of them was associated with love. But in 14th century there is a valentine that was associated with love. And the tradition of valentines day was started with that particular valentine.

another believe is that , valentines day started with a saint called valentine in Rome , who disagree the rule of Emperor Claudius II. And as a result valentine was ordered to killed.
To know more about the saint read this post:Saint valentines.


Jesica Liana said…
Wow, Thanks For Sharing Very Romantic Valentines Day Sayings and Happy Valentines Day Images 2019

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