Are you looking for white day and valentines day celebration in chiana or japan.
here is the main basic information on valentine's day and white day in east asian countries.

white day is mainly celebrated in japan,,south korea,,japan,,malysiya,,chaina,,vietnam and taiwan

on 14th march, one month after of valentines day.
in those countries valentines day is celebrated in a ..different way..check below:

so the men who get chocolates from women on valentines day ,,should have to show thier friendship in white day by giving gift to those women. traditionally popular white day gifts are cookies, jewelry,white chocolates or marshmellows.
a exiciting rule is followed there that is sanbai gaeshi that means the  triple the return rule.
That means the white day gifts from men should be two or three times more than the valentines gifts.
the white love


white day is first celebrated in japan in 1978 by the national confetionery industry association as an answer day of valentines day that the men should have to pay back to theire beloved girls.
from that day the confectionery companies began marketing white chocolate.Although now days black chocolates , jewelry and other gifts are also very popular..Eventually the practise spread into other neibhouring east asian countries like chaina and vietnam.

note:If a man get giri choco in valentines day then the pay back gift may not be expressing romantic feelings but rather a social obligation.


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